My life as a woman, mom, world traveler and artist
The path of life is above all a carousel of emotions and the succession of life stages. As a young woman, I followed this path with determination and curiosity about the world. However, this path also has one or two obstacles for us to overcome. One of these obstacles was probably the fact that I was denied a career in art and design in Germany. I later countered this fact with protest by living out my creative side to the full, despite the injustice of not being allowed to pursue it as a profession, and I still do. This is the reason why some of my works are scattered around the world, as I prefer to give them away to friends.
As the saying goes: "Who knows what it's good for". I'll just leave it at that...nobody knows! The previous job that I then took up also made many things possible for me. I was able to meet lots of lovely people on my travels, I was blessed with my son, I had lots of wonderful experiences and was able to realize many of my art projects.
Another saying: "You have to take life as it is". I would say you have to live and live your life. This requires the right mix of tenacity, determination, lightness, serenity, passion, a thirst for adventure and love. But every now and then you have to rebel and aggressively assert your will and give the "navigator of life's path" the finger!
I think you have to keep moving. So it's fitting that my current life partner calls me his "bouncer". Always on the move with lots of energy!
Finally, another saying: "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today". For me, that means: "Live your life now!" There's no point in not doing something or putting it off until old age...just get going!
My artistic roots
If you are interested in my artistic roots just have a look at my first webpage